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CLUB CLOSED - Covid -19 Guidelines

A reminder of the club rules in place under the current Covid-19 restrictions:

1. Neither adult nor underage teams may train collectively.

2. The club grounds remain closed.

3. There are no club games permitted.

4. Dressing rooms, showers, gym and all other indoor facilities remain closed.

5. No indoor meetings can be held.

6. All officer training must be delivered online. Outdoor coaching education courses are not permitted.

7. No organised indoor gatherings can take place under the current restrictions.

8. No outdoor gatherings on GAA property are permitted.

We hope to welcome everyone back when it is safe to do so. When that day comes please remember:

1. Social distancing of 2m should always be maintained

2. No congregating before or after activities.

3. Do not share towels, water bottles etc.

4. No hands-on adjustments or physical contact during training.

5. In the gym, where spotting of weights is being undertaken, face coverings should be worn.

6. Remember hand hygiene, use of cloth face coverings or masks, and cough and sneeze etiquette.

Stay safe! ⚫️⚪️

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